
July 28, 2012

Book List : Introduction

I've decided to start a book-club! As I look around at stacks of unread classics in my bedroom, I ask myself– what am I waiting on? I have finally come to the conclusion that I don't need someone to read them with, nor do I need a teacher to tell me to read them, nor do I need an instructional institution to assist me in gleaning information from them (that's what the internet is for!) So, I've decided to take a serious plunge headfirst into a commitment to classic literature.

Now don't get me wrong! A few of these books have been read by me at one point or another, because I've always been an avid reader–since I first picked up a book! But now I feel a need to organize my reading and attack with force– to engage in learning information and expanding my mind through these classic works. I am going to divide and conquer the ever-growing list of novels that I have yet to read. I refuse to allow these great works to pass me by!

Obstacles & Solutions

The first hurdle is going forth without waiting on anyone else. I am alone in this quest. When I say "book club," I really just mean "book-reading-marathon." Although, some of my friends have expressed interest in joining me on several of the books, and I will follow along with some other book clubs online, I don't expect anyone to join me for the entire book list. I commit to this "book club" alone, because if I'm waiting around for someone else to start reading a book, I'll never read it. That is a small fear of mine: losing the opportunity to read.

I do have another fear above all else, and that is this: Once I have read a book, then the glory is over. All the joy and ecstasy that comes from reading is gone the moment I close the back cover, and it is never to be experienced the same way again, because I will have already read the ending! But I have come up with an answer for that: I will never read every book in the world. Surely, there will always be another story to drown myself in! There are millions of stories on Earth, by millions of authors. I will never be at a loss for a good book. And with that in mind, I can fearlessly continue on my quest to devour books.

Divide & Conquer

Now, for the practical side of "attacking with force!" I refuse to make up silly rules or deadlines to finish these books. The only guidelines I will put in place is that I must read the books as quickly as I can digest them. No lingering between books (unless my brain exploded with awesomeness from a book and I need time to reinstall my brain to its proper place), and no procrastinating. Keep moving forward, whether a chapter a day, or the whole book. Another guideline is for schoolbooks– they always take precedence over my book list, for obvious reasons. A last guideline: I must write a short blog post, essay, or book report as I finish each book. I want to be able to express my opinions, thoughts, notes, and revelations as I absorb these classics. I want this to be a learning experience, so writing out everything I can think of as I study will definitely assist the process.

My Book List is located here. I will begin the list by reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, in order to follow along with the Vlogbrother's video-discussion book club.

So, I guess that's all I have to say on the topic! Wish me luck!

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