
March 13, 2013

Coming Soon to Wrandom Writer

The past few months have been really crazy! I haven't been reading like I should, which is why there haven't been many Book List posts up here. Instead, I've been blogging on my year-long challenge blog! The 2013-Challenge has been going extremely well. I've only missed 2 days of writing since January 1st, which is amazing for me!

Next month, I'll be doing another round of Camp NaNoWriMo, on top of my every-weekday blogging. I've decided to spend the entire month of March preparing myself-- outlining, scheduling, creating characters, creating plot lines, and generally brainstorming and researching for the project. April's NaNo event will be spent writing a first draft!

Because I've never spent this much time going into in-depth research for my previous novels, I hope that I will actually bring this next one around to completion. The story will be about two brothers that are pitted against one another. No, I don't have motives yet, but I know it'll be in a futuristic, dystopian-society setting, so it'll be really fun to write. I plan on reading a lot more in the next few months, mostly about the Civil War, for my American History class, but also some sci-fi and steampunk fiction to continue doing research for this next book.

I'm contemplating doing a book-reading challenge as soon as Camp NaNoWriMo is over. I'd like to read ten books during the month of May, which sounds like a lot! I think it's possible, though, and will be a great time to catch up on my History class, and learn more about the steampunk genre. I can't make any commitments for a month-long project just yet, but I will most likely be working towards that challenge, or a similar one, during either May or June.

For every one of those books, I'll be writing a few pages of reflection, just like the posts I've already been writing for books I've read. Also, during next month's NaNoWriMo, I'll still be blogging on my 2013-Challenge, plus I'll be posting on Wrandom Writer once a week to stay current on this blog as well.

I realize I've forsaken this blog since I began doing the 2013-Challenge, and I didn't want that to happen. I will be making up for it in the next few months, so stay tuned!

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