
October 10, 2012

Book List: "I Am NOT A Serial Killer"

Because his book was short, I shall keep my response short as well.

This book is great!!

"I Am NOT A Serial Killer" takes on a very unique perspective-- a young boy who obsesses over serial killers, and dreads that his sociopathic tendencies might take him too far. I love the storytelling; Dan Wells is a great writer and story-designer. He constructs every detail possible for the characters, and fearlessly incorporates enormous texture into the mind of this young, abnormal teen. Not only does he craft excellent characters, but his plot twist in this book was literally unbelievable. I couldn't tell if the character was hallucinating, if it was a dramatization, or if it was actually real, until almost the end of the book. The story was a roller coaster that just kept climbing up, with a tiny downward spiral at the end-- but it kept me intrigued the entire way up!

I honestly enjoyed this slightly-demented horror-fiction, even though I didn't realize that's what it was going to be when I picked it up! Actually, I was surprised by how much I liked the story-- no doubt because of the craftsmanship-- because it was a thriller. I am not a big fan of horror and thriller, but this one, I thoroughly enjoyed! A recommendation to anyone interested in a good read, and a well-crafted story.

Dan Wells, the author, has a great lecture on the 7-point plot structure, which he puts to good use in his novels. I am a big fan of his work, and I look forward to reading his future novels!

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